
A blog for kids (and their parents) who love books, words, and dreaming big...
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Look Out!

For my son, Nick, and all the other kids out there who dread the start of school....

Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures.net

Look Out!

The witches mumble horrid chants,
You're scolded by five thousand aunts,
   A Martian pulls a fearsome face
   And hurls you into Outer Space,
You're tied in front of whistling trains,
A tomahawk has sliced your brains,
   The tigers snarl, the giants roar,
   You're sat on by a dinosaur.
In vain you're shouting 'Help!' and 'Stop!',
The walls are spinning like a top,
   The earth is melting in the sun,
   And all the horror's just begun.
And, oh, the screams, the thumping hearts
That awful night before school starts.

~Max Fatchen