
A blog for kids (and their parents) who love books, words, and dreaming big...
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

You are not a hundred dollar bill...

Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures.net

"You are not a hundred dollar bill. 
Not everyone is going to 
like you or your story. 
Do not take rejection 

~ Meg Cabot

I think I need to print this quote out and hang it some place where I'll see it regularly.  It's hard to take rejection time after time, but I need to remember that different people have different opinions.  Just because some agents or publishers have rejected a story, that doesn't mean everyone will.  There may be someone out there just waiting for it!


  1. Just wondering... have you considered self-publishing?

  2. Hi, Jeanne! :) I have thought about it -- recently, in fact -- and am currently in the process of gathering information about self-publishing. Even if I do try it, though, I will still continue looking for an agent/publisher. It would mean so much more to me if a professional thought it was worthy of publishing, not just me!
