
A blog for kids (and their parents) who love books, words, and dreaming big...
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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Walking With Grandma

Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures.net

Walking With Grandma

I like to walk with Grandma,
Her steps are short like mine.
She doesn't say, "Now hurry up!",
She always takes her time.

I like to walk with Grandma,
Her eyes see things like mine do --
Wee pebbles bright, a funny cloud,
Half hidden drops of dew.

Most people have to hurry,
They don't stop and see.
I'm glad that God made Grandma
Unrushed, and young like me.

~Author unknown*

In loving memory of my Grandpa Fischer, Grandpa Bear, Granny, and my father-in-law Harold... I miss you all so much!...


in honor of my Grandma Fischer... who always makes time for me...  as well as my parents and mother-in-law, the most devoted grandparents I could ever hope for my children to have:

Wishing you and all the other
loving, special, wonderful
 grandmas and grandpas out there
a very happy Grandparents Day!

*Earlier, I gave credit for writing this poem to my dear friend Thena Smith.  I had found it online, with her name attached, on several sites.  Thena has kindly informed me that she is not the poem's author.  I apologize for the error!